las imagenes son referenciales, al igual que los nombres de los NPC,el precio de los articulos puede variar.
El acceso a Katalam disponible en el nivel 10. La forma más fácil de llegar es atraves del teletransportador de Sanctum=Polydus
Este es un puesto de
avanzada de Elyos Katalam. alrededor de la fortaleza, hay una
posibilidad de recoger antigua Aether.tambien se pueden comprar aqui,armas y
armaduras Abyss,Blood Marks.Abyss Stigmas,etc.
En Katalam hay 7 Zonas Neutrales
También cerca de cada base pequeña hay una, zona neutral para Asmodians y Elyos.
En KATALAM hay 9 bases.
Cerca de la cada base hay una zona neutral pequeña con Obelisk y una vía teleport
Cada raza tiene su propia mini zona neutral.
Las bases pueden ser capturadas por ambas facciones.
En estas bases usted encontrara,2 quest semanales de Blood Marks con uan recaudacion final por base de 20 BM.
1.-Spiralroot Shelter
1.-Spiralroot Shelter
NPC Rimanon - curandero de almas.
NPC Rondar - productos comerciales.
NPC Lofa – Vendedor especial.
NPC Morias - bakaleyshik - 2 recipes conversion:
Old claw monster, monster claw Flawless.
2.-Occupier's Lounge
2.-Occupier's Lounge
NPC Seiden - curandero de almas,
NPC Kenes - productos comerciales.
NPC Tatina - comprador específico:
NPS Rose - bakaleyshik 2 recipe conversion:
Old claw monster
Flawless claw monster.
3.-Beritran Foothold
3.-Beritran Foothold
En esta base hay un portal para ir a idian.
NPC Seras - Commander Expeditionary Unit.
NPC Daria - healer of souls.
NPC Venakin - merchant products.
NPC Banik - seller nickname.
NPC Regias - master of divine Enchantment
NPC Kelmon - master m agicheskogo enchantment.
NPC Aranis - with special kupschik:
NPC Teldayn - b akaleyshik - 4 recipe conversion:
The old old ancient essence, Impeccable old ancient essence.
Old essence elemental essence Perfect Element.
4.-Primevil Ruins
4.-Primevil Ruins
En este lugar hay un portal para Idian
NPC Diena - Commander Expeditionary Unit.
NPC Camion - healer of souls.
NPC Ramos - merchant products.
NPC Tannin - seller nickname.
NPC gatena - master of divine Enchantment.
NPC Midion - master m agicheskogo enchantment.
NPC Rilke - special cornerer:
NPC Fallon - bakaleyshik - 4 recipe conversion:
The old old ancient essence, Impeccable old ancient essence.
Old essence elemental essence Perfect Element.
5.-Crumbling Redoubt
5.-Crumbling Redoubt
NPC Vasarian - Commander Expeditionary Unit.
NPC Rivanis - healer of souls.
NPC Setimes - t orgovets products.
NPC Follemo - seller nickname.
NPC Froteas - b akaleyschik:
Idellovy crystal (maximo por dia:10)
NPC Avaris - t orgovets special materials for crafts:
Gorgeous crystal price.
NPC Artemon - endedor de recetas de armas y graft materiales
NPC Domtemes - master objects:
AP consumables at the regular price, the recipe:
NPC Hemesius - t orgovets amplifiers:
Curador de Almas,Correo,vendedor general
Teleport Statue - Outpost Gate squad.(pass del medio)
Portal para Idian.
NPC Jeryl - Seller Balic recipes
<Recipe: Salad with plums and dragon meat and butter> 60 hrenovina
<Recipe: Soup with plums and dragon meat and butter>
<Recipe: Meat dragon for a couple of plums and butter>
<Recipe: Scrambled eggs and meat from draining dragon with oil>
<Recipe: Cooked meat dragon and pepento with oil>
<Recipe: Meat Dragon and pepento in batter with butter>
<Recipe: Roasted meat dragon and pepento with oil>
NPC Bellua - the seller transmute recipes:
Wind damage.
Eternity wind.
Source wind.
NPC Dzhetanon – comprador de todos los ítems mostrados
NPC Rindzhar - Grocer
6 recipes to convert that buys Dzhetanon,
as well as Consumable - Shard idella .
Old relics chip race Rounov.
Flawless old relics chip race Rounov.
The old bit of the old magic stone.
Impeccable old bit of the old magic stone.
Old powder of precious metal.
Flawless Powder old precious metal.
NPC Iranion – vendedor de accesorios Abyss (master)
Curador de Almas,Correo,vendedor general
Teleport Statue - Outpost Gate squad.(pass del medio)
Portal para Idian.
NPC Jeryl - Seller Balic recipes
<Recipe: Salad with plums and dragon meat and butter> 60 hrenovina
<Recipe: Soup with plums and dragon meat and butter>
<Recipe: Meat dragon for a couple of plums and butter>
<Recipe: Scrambled eggs and meat from draining dragon with oil>
<Recipe: Cooked meat dragon and pepento with oil>
<Recipe: Meat Dragon and pepento in batter with butter>
<Recipe: Roasted meat dragon and pepento with oil>
NPC Bellua - the seller transmute recipes:
Wind damage.
Eternity wind.
Source wind.
NPC Dzhetanon – comprador de todos los ítems mostrados
NPC Rindzhar - Grocer
6 recipes to convert that buys Dzhetanon,
as well as Consumable - Shard idella .
Old relics chip race Rounov.
Flawless old relics chip race Rounov.
The old bit of the old magic stone.
Impeccable old bit of the old magic stone.
Old powder of precious metal.
Flawless Powder old precious metal.
NPC Iranion – vendedor de accesorios Abyss (master)
7.-Irigani Keep
7.-Irigani Keep
NPC adanta - productos comerciales.
NPC Anish - tendero:
Idiumovoe maximo 10 por dia
NPC Ramesis - merchant transmutation recipes:
NPC Bonanellos - materiales especiales mercantes para la artesanía(graft):
Crystal transition.
NPC Camos - objetos master: AP consumibles (precio estándar)
NPC Hemeka - n rodavets amplifiers middle rank.
8.-Windswept Camp
8.-Windswept Camp
Statue teleport:hacia el fort de sillus y al pass del medio
NPC Kallimanus - healer of souls.
NPC Vabrius - merchant products.
NPC Cadmus - bakaleyshik:
Idiumovy rod (maximo por dia.10u)
NPS A social security - Managing Exchange seraniuma:
Over 10 pieces " Shattered seraniuma "is likely to get" Seraniumovaya medal . "
NPC Kalifon - Head schkladom.
9.-Sillus Pass Watchpost
9.-Sillus Pass Watchpost
NPC Ael - Commander Expeditionary Unit.
NPC Arifus - healer of souls.
NPC Ephiny – Comprador de stigmas lvl 60
NPC Kannaris - Head of special awards.
NPC Kabrias - merchant products.
NPC Serais - grocer:
Idiumovaya plate (Maximo de 10 piesas por dia)
Fortaleza Sillus
En esta Fort Hay una Instancia.
Dos teleport:
-a la base 8 y 9
-base general.
Danuar Mysticarium
puntos |
El requerido
tiempo |
00 - 18-00
00 - 16-00
00 - 14-00
00 - 06-00
00 - 02-00
Danuar Mysticarium (legion)
con mejores Rates de abandono.
Fortress Traders
NPC Natiaron - healer of souls.
NPC Karoin - merchant products.
NPC Melnin - Master stigmas.
NPC Felnon - buyer-specific:
The old old ancient resin, resin Impeccable old ancient.
NPC Karelliya - bakaleyshik - 2 recipes conversion:
The old old ancient resin, resin Impeccable old ancient.
Crerunerk Leguage Office
Nave de vuelo a la Base central elyo
Teleport estatua: Sillus Pass Watchpost(9)
Mairinerk´s League Office
en mayor parte usada por asmos.
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